What’s all the excitement about?
Winter Snow has just pulled up in her “Winter Snow Cone” truck. Just my luck too, because I was getting thirsty for something delicious, sweet and cool.
Winter Snow has cones of every color and flavor to fit any Snow Soul appetite, like “Lickety-Split Lemon” for all those on the go. “Ice Rockin’ Red Raspberry” will make your tongue have an awesome red glow. “Cool Grab and Snow Grape” for those who love the icy taste of purple grape snow. “Snow Mountain Blueberry” for all the Mountain Enthusiast who love the fresh air and climbing the summits of snow. “Snowy Forest Lime Green” is a favorite to all who are ready for something similar to spring.
So if you’re in the mood for a frozen delight...look for Winter’s snow cone truck and her friend “Snowawesome Orange” the dancing snow cone in a red bowtie.