Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!
I hear the sound of a Snow Soul making their way through the fluffy white mounds of snow.
It’s Rozzi! I haven’t seen her for awhile. She must have been very busy with all her holiday orders. If I know Rozzi, she’s been happily filling orders all over the Snow Planet. Last time I looked at her “Bobble and Squeak” snow fashionable site...she had loaded a tremendous amount of beautiful, cozy, snug-lies for all the Snow Souls who are in need of something snow fashionable to wear or to share.
Just take a look at her wonderful snow attire. I love her aubergine barrette cap, neck cowl, mittens and boots. They all go so well with her icy ocean blue coat. Yes, she looks absolutely snow fashionable in all her darling snow knitted attire. And look at her Snow Kitten, Chilly...she is sporting a little “Kitten Cowl.” Oh, that Rozzi is so clever, making knitted items for all the snow pets who bound about in the snowy weather!
It would seem that Rozzi has been to the knitting shop in Snow-Blossom’s village. She must be stocking up for her next round of spring snow knitted designs. I can’t wait to see what she has in store for all of us Snow Souls. Just the other day I received a beautiful aubergine “Chunky Twist” headband that will give the perfect coverage for my Snow Soul ears...not to mention how cute I’ll look in it too!
I see that Rozzi has made a new friend...Robin Redbreast. It would seem that Robin likes the beautiful Marina Wool Red, because she has pulled it from Rozzi’s skein to feather her spring snow nest.
So remember if you are in need of a spring snow snugly, hit up Rozzi Snow soon...I can already hear her knitting needles clickety-clacking away….