
So starts the season of good cheer, Santa and all his helpers are busy finishing up the last minute touches for the holidays. The elves have always been known for their great efforts, but did you know that Santa also enjoys the magical inspirations of the “Christmas Fairies,” too. They are essential in helping add beauty, joy, light, sweetness, music and loving touches to all of Santa’s work. Yes, sometimes Santa can become overwhelmed with his never ending duties, so this is when the “Christmas Fairies” do their best work...finding all the little areas that need extra special care. They whisper a tiny prayer while fluttering their little wings, asking for blessings to all of Santa’s Christmas things. Then they go to work with their hands all busy with their all for every Christmas package and toy.

Here you can see “Patch” busy sewing tender love into a Christmas bear...not one “Christmas Stuffy” will leave the North Pole without his love and care.

So remember, the season has only just begun. If you start feeling overwhelmed, Santa just may send a “Christmas Fairy” to give you some help, comfort, and joy!

