
Such a magical time of year, when we find ourselves caught up in the traditions of family holiday fun.  And when we take time to pause and enjoy the beauty that surrounds us, sometimes we see even more magic than we expect to see. Why just the other night I was watching the snowflakes whirl and tumble on the arctic breezes that had found their way to the lower forty eight...when I saw a large figure making its way through the mounds of snow that had piled up from days of storming. Soon I came to realize that the figure was a magnificent white horse and on his back he carried the gifts of Hanukkah. There was a beautiful menorah which represents the miracle of this wonderful holiday, holding the eight candles to light and the Shamash. A large bag of gelt to win during a fun filled game of spin the dreidel, and several beautifully wrapped packages in blue, silver and gold. Yes, this Hanukkah horse was pushing forward on through the winter’s storm to bring in the season of Hanukkah.

So to all my friends and family who are about to embark on this joyous event, I wish you, and all you love, a “Happy Hanukkah!” And may the miracle of light surround us all during this time of celebration and throughout all the new year to come.

Hanukkah Horse: By Tina Kay Kesler

Hanukkah Horse: By Tina Kay Kesler