Pumpkin Patch

 In the “Pumpkin Patch” you will find, beautiful, orange and kind,

 a round October squash that never seems to mind,

your wandering gaze….

It’s time to select the perfect prize pumpkin! I know you’ll be choosing the one with the most magnificent size, shape and color. Then, before you journey home with this delightful thick shelled, seed filled orb of a friend...a venture through the corn maze, or a hayride perhaps.

And what would a trip to the “Pumpkin Patch” be, without some Autumn nourishment. A hot cup of sweet steaming apple cider to warm your bones, and a soft pillowy apple donut to enjoy alongside that cup of cider. Maybe a crisp apple, with a coat of delicious warm gooey caramel, might be more to your liking.

Oh yes! The “Pumpkin Patch” is the place to be this time of year.

Happy October Pumpkin Hunting!

