
Raking and gathering leaves as they fall,
Placing them where they will best be kept, 
The Tinker’s gnome just what to do,
They will cover the roots of the trees and plants where winter will try to push through.

These happy little gnomes are nature’s friend, 
They keep working to prepare a place, 
For all the small creatures who’ll win the November race.

Yes, there is so much gathering of leaves to do,
Are you gathering this month too?

So put on your hats, boots and mittens,
Grab your rakes and wheelbarrows before you are cold bitten,
Because winter is coming...this I know,
Winter is coming, November tells you so.

Gather here,
Gather there,
There truly is not much time to spare.

Be like the Tinker’s and spread out a warm blanket of leaves,
Place them gently beneath all the trees.

Not much time to spare!
Gathering up all the leaves,
Before they are blown up into the November air!