Three Wise Gnomes

In the December Snow Forest you will find three wise gnomes, busy, busy as can be, getting all the forest ready for this Christmas Eve.

Everything must be in its place, no attention to detail left undone.

Moose helps Little Nick, as Little Nick hangs the golden star, a star of light, reminding us all of that wondrous night when God sent His son, the Prince of Peace, to be born among all men. 

Jumble is placing the three gifts under the tree...three to be precise...the three gifts to represent the gifts for the child Christ.

While busy in their haste, it seems Jumble has found himself wrapped up in the lights. Someone please help him or he may be there all night! 

The creatures’ of the forest are curiously watching all of this fuss. Soon the eve will come, darkness will fall, a stillness of calm will linger in the air, then the morning sun will rise and there before us all will be a beautiful Christmas surprise.

May the three wise gnomes find their way to your woods, placing a golden star upon your Christmas tree, while leaving you three gifts of joy, peace and love. And may God bless you all, as you look to the star, the golden star...that shines from the east.

Merry Christmas….