Swish. Swish. Swish….
Here comes Rozzi Snow! Look at her go, all buckled up, on her cross country skis. In her pocket I spy three small tufts of yarn...Lovely Lavender, Cornflower Blue and a Rosy Rozzi Red. She must be on her way to the yarn store to pick up the many more skeins of yarn she’ll be needing to complete her happy knitting task.
Christmas is a busy time of year for her. Snow Souls from all over the wintry planet are ordering “Snow Snug-lies.” I myself am looking forward to receiving one of these wonderful Snug-lies as a gift. I sure hope she’ll have one more “Heart Full” hat available. It’s similar to the one she’s wearing. Isn’t her hat absolutely adorable!!! She is so talented with her knitting needles; she can be found year round creating her winter wear...even in July! Me oh my, a Snow Soul knitting in July!
I see Rozzi is also wearing her Rosy Rozzi Red scarf and mittens. She is so very snow, snugly, fashionable. Now you see why she’s always busy with her Snow Soul’s orders. When she’s out and about wearing her winter creations, being noticed by the stylish of Souls, they can’t help but want to look just as marvelous.
Yes, during the snowy holidays Rozzi pulls out her cross country skis so that she can speed up her pace of travel in the snow covered village of Snow-Blossom. She hasn’t a moment to waste! And her wooden skis are her best mode of transportation, they help Rozzi to bobble and squeak her way in and out of all the busy Christmas shoppers; while having her decorative candy cane ski poles in hand she’s sure to get to her destination with time to spare.
So the next time the snow is falling and you hear a wonderful swishing sound, look around...it may just be the warm-hearted Snow Soul, Rozzi Snow. Stop and say hello...while you’re at it put in an order for some beautiful winter wear creations and tell her Tina said thank you for making the world look Snow Beautifully Awesome!
P.S. If you’d like to check out some of Rozzi’s creations, I have provided the link to her website. Now you too can be a Snugly Fashionable Snow Soul! Have a wonderful time shopping.