Do you know any wonderful characters who are always busy working to heal the planet? Well I do. His name is Stephen Snow. Stephen is so very busy with saving the planet that he rarely takes a moment for himself to enjoy a cup of hot cocoa.
Some days you’ll find Stephen in negotiations with the top Snow Flurries of our time. They’ll be busy discussing and working together on how to make positive changes with our worlds way of doing things. One of their main topics is turning down the world’s temperature. Stephen and the Snow Flurries work diligently, hoping to come up with new ideas that will improve our planet’s environment. If there’s one thing that Stephen is concerned about, it’s “Global Warming!” He knows that there is too much at stake. So taking a time out just isn’t on his agenda.
He is saddened by seeing animals and humans losing their habitats. Waters being polluted. Forest being caught up in wildfires. Why, just last week he was busy helping to put out fires in the Pacific Northwest. So many issues to deal with, world worries and concerns… not to mention his own melting away!
But thanks to Stephen’s compassion for the planet we have hope! Yes, Stephen is a Snow Superhero! His Superhero gifts are not found in a cape though. His gifts have been placed in his heart and mind. Placed on Stephen’s head you will find his tall thinking cap. When he has on his tall thinking cap he’s unstoppable!
Even though he’s made of the Great Northern snows, his heart is filled with tremendous warmth for this planet’s well being and all who inhabit it. Stephen is happy to share his gifts of knowledge with others too. Even though he has the busiest of schedules, you’ll find him teaching new found Snowlings all about the importance of how to keep and heal the planet.
Stephen also enjoys working with his friend Forest Snow, planting’ll meet Forest in another story. Together they can cover a lot of territory. After they’ve finished planting hundreds of new saplings (young trees). Stephen will reach under his tall thinking cap and retrieve a tiny double hearted ornament to hang on the freshly planted sapling. The double hearts are a sign of Stephen’s extra love for the forest. In placing the ornament on the sapling, he is hopeful it will remind people to be careful of its tender state, while also reminding them that we are all responsible in the care and heart of our planet.
It is Stephen’s hope that we will all unite in our love for this planet, helping it to heal and continue on for many more snow days to come.