Polar Star New Year....

  Happy New Year! I hope that the past year has been fruitful for you and that your plans for this New Year are filled with ideas to motivate you into a year of great thought, stewardship and cause.

  My cause, as you may have noticed, is the concerns of the beautiful creatures of this planet. They have no say in the way we treat this earth but yet they are recipients of our actions. Yes, we leave them plastic to clutter their habitats, garbage to fill the fields and oceans they hunt and live in; not to mention how we continually load up the air they breath with metals and chemicals.

  Okay! I know this isn’t the typical sweet “Happy New Year” everyone would expect of me, but I can’t help myself! I have to speak out and remind us all that we need to do our part. It doesn’t have to be mind shattering. It could be as simple as using a recyclable bag, eating dinner at home the week through, carpooling to the mall, work, movies, any event. Helping out someone who may not be able to do a task that is environmentally friendly. There are a number of ways we can do our part.

 Here I have shared a website to help you find ideas that you yourself can implement into your daily routine...because we can make a difference one step at a time.  Just Click Here!  

 Let’s make this a “Polar Star New Year!” The year we focus our thoughts on the planet and all those that inhabit this “Big Beautiful Blue Sapphire Sphere!” Yes our planet is a jewel...let’s keep it sparkling!

 Please leave any ideas you may have in keeping this jewel beautiful. Every idea is a step to a better future for us all. I know the Polar Bears will thank you!

Also, feel free to share my page too….

