
  Mr. and Mrs. Red Squirrel are out and about on this windy wet November day, gathering up a harvest of acorn nuts for their family and friends “Thankfulness” get together. They have decided that this year’s meal will be a bounty of roasted acorns, mashed roots of rutabaga (one of Mrs. Squirrels favorites), and berries of the most glorious reds, blues, purples and oranges.

  Mrs. Red Squirrel and her children will work on the table center piece, and build a beautiful bouquet of herbs using rosemary, thyme, sage, fennel and lavender (Mr. Red Squirrels favorite herb). They will place the bouquet in a vintage hollowed out and hand carved wooden twig - a most treasured piece made by Great Grandma Red Squirrel. It’s delightful presence will remind them of their loved one from years gone by.

  Mr. Red Squirrel will brew up a fragrant pot of cranberry (spicy) clove cider and sweeten it with syrup from their own maple tree forest. Then they will all gather with their loved ones and enjoy the blessings of this year’s harvest while giving thanks for all of Autumn’s gifts.

  After their meal of “Thankfulness,” they will dance and sing songs. Voices chattering in every tune, tiny toes tapping and shuffling around the room...soon a nap will find them warm and still as winter’s cold breath knocks at their homesteads tree trunk.

  May you have a most memorable “Thankfulness” meal surrounded with all your loved ones. Season’s blessings to you….