Miss Bunny Flowers

She stands on a grassy hill, calling out, “Flowers! Flowers! Beautiful fresh cut flowers! Buy one for your love, one for your friend, one for your Mum and don’t forget one for you too at the end.”

Dressed in her spring sunshine best, with her floppy yellow, flower covered hat, Miss Bunny Flowers sings out her bud filled song to all who pass her by. While colorful butterflies follow her wherever she may hop, hoping to have a taste of the sweet nectar falling from the flowers blooms. Oh, so many wonderful blossoms are gathered together in her rosey pink basket.

So if you are in need of a beautiful, colorful bouquet of freshly cut roses that will fill your noses with lovely fragrant scents, stop by and say hello to Miss Bunny Flowers. You’ll be ever so happy you did.
