Tea With Mom

Memories of laughter, silliness, love and joy...that’s what I think of when Mother’s Day smiles on me in May.

Times spent with my mom over tea, hold some of the best memories for me. Days of sitting out on the back porch drinking tea, talking about the times, old and new, as we watch the swans swim by in the small lake that edges up to her back yard.

While gentle southern breezes sweep across our skin, much welcomed, as they cool us from the southern heat.

Hummingbirds singing out their sweet chirping songs, as they dance around the beautiful pink flowering trees planted close to the porch. Mom tells me the flowers on the trees are called the Rose - Of - Sharon. The Hummingbirds quickly take sips of their nectar then move on to the next blossom. One day we spotted a mother with her tiniest of babies fluttering about the blossoms, passing on her knowledge of survival.

The sounds of Cicadas fill the air with their soothing song, which is constant all day long. Butterflies of amazing color float on the southern breeze, they seem to hover over us to wish us a beautiful day, before they turn and go about their way.

Yes, my memories of tea with my mom are very dear to me. So on this Mother’s Day may you stop to ponder the happiest of moments with your mom, or be with her, or with someone who is like a mother to you, if that is possible. May you find yourself making new memories or just reminiscing about days gone by. And if you are a mother, I wish you a beautiful joy filled day spent having tea or just being in the presence of those who bring you amazing amounts of love and joy.

Happy Mother’s Day….
