
March is here!

I’m so happy for March! So happy for all the wonderful March Babies too!

March is a time for renewal, the month that Spring arrives and welcomes us with her unfurling, outstretched vines of glorious shades of green. A warm shining sun, lifting the hidden beauty that has laid asleep beneath the Earth’s winter soil and awakening the soft buds perched upon the branches of tired winter trees. Life dances and rejoices at the sound of March knocking at her door.

March is also the month we celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day...wearing all our green with pride! The month we celebrate National Women’s History, Celery, International Earth Day, Corn Beef and Cabbage day, National Quilting Day...oh there’s so much to celebrate that I could just go on and on.

And If you just happen to be born in this wonderful month of green surprises, enjoy this March Birthday cake I’ve made just for you! The cake hat is a delicious dark chocolate with mint fudge fondant. The cake pot of gold is made of sweet butter rum and the fondant is a brilliant blast of blackberry, while the cake cloud is vanilla and lavender, with buttercream fondant. Oh I’m making myself hungry! Enjoy your March Birthday cake and know that you are truly blessed to be a child of the coming Spring and all the joy it brings.

Happy March Everyone!