
Happy Birthday February Babies!

Yes the month of February is upon us and it’s time to give all those February Sweethearts some special love. Send them a card, blow them kisses, wrap up some love for them and share a wonderful piece of heart shaped cake with them. Yum! And let’s not forget all those Valentine Lovies either...I’m sure they love cake too!

February is also the National Wear Red month to remind everyone to take care of their hearts...so please take care of your heart, make that checkup and make sure you’re moving to the best beat possible.

Then there’s Presidents Day too...a time to honor some of our forefathers.

And Valentine’s Day...Oh Valentine, Oh Valentine, Oh won’t you please be mine? Why not make some homemade cards to share with all your Lovie’s on this special day. Homemade is always appreciated, shows you really took the time to say to some Lovey, “You’re so very special to me!”

And tomorrow is Groundhog Day! Groundhog Day! Did I just repeat that? LOL! Let’s all hope he doesn’t see that shadow. Because I’m ready for an early spring, how about you?

However you are spending this February, I hope it is with lots of Lovies….

P.S. February is the shortest month of the year, so there’s not a lot of time to spoil all those February Babies during their birthday month...so better get started! XOXO
