Rumple Snow

Oh it has gotten so cold outside! Look at poor Rumple Snow and Indigo his little Snow pup! They look very cold, even for Snow Souls.

It seems they are hungry too...I sure hope that some kind Snow Soul passes by and helps them out. Rumple and Indigo have been trying very hard to find their special place to be. But it seems that there just isn’t enough work or places to live in Snow-Blossom’s village these days.

I think I will have to contact Sasha Snow on my Flurry Phone and let her know about these two dear Snow Souls. I’m sure she can help them. She’s great at helping those who are searching for work, a home and anything else they may be in need of. She could mention them to Forest Snow and see if he’s in need of any help with the forest of Snow-Blossom.

When I talked to Rumple he said he used to be a Snow-florist and he had a shop in the village of Frosting, where he sold many of his beautiful floral creations to Snow Souls who were shopping for special gifts.  But hard times fell on the village and many Snow Souls didn’t have the extra funds to buy his beautiful floral pieces, thus, he lost his florist shop.

Maybe Forest has some tree trimming work that needs to be done. Then after Rumple and Indigo finish helping him with this task they could gather up the trimmings and use them to create some beautiful decorative floral designs for Snow Souls to purchase.

Oh! And I could chat with Rozzi Snow to see if she has any bits and pieces of yarn leftover from her Snow Snugly creations...maybe she’d be willing to donate a few colorful strings for Rumple to use in his fabulous works.

I just know that all the wonderful Snow Souls of Snow-Blossom village would love to help. Snow-Blossom doesn’t have a Snow-florist, so Rumple and Indigo would be such an amazing gift to their village.

Don’t you just love it when Snowmanity comes together to help one and other out?

Well I better go get in touch with Sasha Snow...she’ll need time to figure out Rumple and Indigo’s situation, she won’t waste a moment! She’ll have them somewhere safe, happy and busy by the end of this day...I just know it.

If you have any suggestion let me know and I’ll tell Sasha, every little bit of help will make the difference. And thank you for being a caring Snow Soul..Snowmanity thanks you too….