Ah, Crocuses

  Have you seen them? The tiniest of the Iris flower family. They pop their little purple, yellow or white tops out of the sleeping cool winter’s earth. Finding their way to the warmth of a soon to be spring sunshine. Each little face smiling a bright hello to you.

  A favorite Crocus of mine is the Crocus Sativus, also known as the “Saffron Crocus,” which actually blooms in the fall, when growing in the Mediterranean and Asia areas of the planet. This beautiful Lilac-purple flower grows three tiny red Saffron stems (stigmas) which are prized for their sweet flavor and auburn coloring that they add to wonderful dishes; such as Saffron Rice, Chicken and Lamb Tagine and not to be forgotten Lemon Squares! Yes, inside each of these little wonders is a bounty of gold… just some of the reasons why Saffron is so expensive. The other reason is because it has to be hand picked from the flower itself.  

  Regardless if you love the flower for its spice or beauty, a Crocus will never fail to bring you that much needed feeling of warmth and the promise of spring around the corner..when you find it sprouting out of the earth soil.

  Below you can see Lollie and Opie helping to tend to a friends Crocus garden...thay are so very kind and helpful….

